AGAR 2023/24 Notice of Public Rights and Accounts
31 May 2024

Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24 Notice of Public Rights and signed Accounts summaries

Notice of Public Rights AGAR 2022-23
01 June 2023



Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 Sections 25, 26 and 27

The Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/234)

Elections, 4th May 2023 for Parish and District Council
22 March 2023

Parish and District Council elections will be held on 4th May 2023.

Anyone who is on the March 2023 Parish Electoral Register, or who is otherwise qualified may stand for election to the Parish Council.

All five seats on the Parish Council are up for election for a 4-year term of office. Details and a nomination pack are available from the Parish Clerk  .  Nomination papers must be delivered by hand to the EHDC Offices in Wallfileds, Hertford, by 4pm on Tuesday 4th April.

Notice of Public Rights for Annual Audit 2021/22
07 June 2022

Notice of Public Rights for 2021/22 Annual Audit

Proposed District Boundary changes 2022
04 March 2022

On 1st March 2022, East Herts published draft recommendations for new wards, ward boundaries, and ward names for East Herts District Council. Comments are invited on those recommendations. The consultation closes on 9 May 2022.

East Herts interactive consultation portal can be accessed at

Note that none of the proposed changes affect Widford parish.

Bin Collections 2020-21
01 February 2020
Stop Harlow North
01 January 2020

The housing development north of the River Stort Gilston Park

Nearly ten years ago, representatives from all the villages in this immediate area met to oppose the East of England Plan which envisaged a large scale housing development on land north of Harlow. This group was named the Stop Harlow North Group and was lead by the Independent District Councillor Nigel Clark. Their work was very instrumental in averting the development of some 20/30,000 houses. Time moves on and the East Herts Draft District Plan provides for a smaller development, providing some 2,500 houses, in the same area. The developers (Places for People) are proposing a much larger scheme of some 5,000-10,000 dwellings. The Stop Harlow North Group, are now fighting to make sure that any development is provided with all the necessary infrastructure, and that the planners take into account the present facilities in the area, (i.e water quality and provision, the capacity of the existing sewerage facilities, let alone road and transport). If you travel to Harlow by bus or car, you may not realize how close this development will come to Widford, and that it will be drawing on our already stretched infrastructure.

Until recently the former chairman of the Parish Council, Dr Ian Brett, had been our representative on the Stop Harlow North committee. Ms Poppi Smith and Andy Darnell have, however, now taken his place. If you would like to know more about this issue please contact either Poppi or Andy, at Chestnut Tree Cottage or you can contact the secretary of the group Bernadette Dunthorne (bernadettedunthorne [at]

The Widford Relief in Need Charity
01 January 2020

The Widford Relief In Need Charity is made up of three charities:

1. Mary Mason’s Charity, founded by a will dated November 2nd 1808.

2. The Charity of an Unknown Donor.

3. The Charity is known as the Poor House.

These three were amalgamated in 1896 into one, which was thereafter known collectively as Widford Relief In Need of Charity.

Back in 1896, donations were given to cover particular needs within the community. Entries in the Minutes Book range from a £5 donation to the nursing fund (“as long as a clause is put in the rules that the nurse does not attend any contagious cases”), 10 shillings for urgent dental treatment and help for “two poor boys” to attend school. One resident remembers that their own grandparents were always pleased to receive their sack of coal at Christmas time.

The only income nowadays comes from just two sources. The first is the rental of Poors Land, a field of some 14 acres situated along Green Lane (Green Lane, unsigned, leads off Medcalf Hill to Howletts Road). The second is from a charitable trust with similar aims which is administered by the Parochial Church Council.

There are five Trustees. The Chairman is the Rector, two Trustees are appointed by the Parish Council and two other trustees are co-opted. It is expected these will have knowledge of the Parish of Widford. We have two meetings per year, usually in June and November.

The Trustees are very aware of the changing needs in our community and strive to make the best use of a small fund.

For further information, please contact the Rector in the first instance.

Revd. Mark Dunstan. (01920) 877276

Parish Magazine Advertising Rates
01 April 2017

Notices of items for Sale or Wanted and for Events are FREE.

Single-size advertisements (approximately 4cm x 9cm) are £2.70 per month.

Double-size (4cm x 18cm or 8cm x 9cm approx) are £5.20 per month.

Treble-size (12cm x 9cm) are £6.80 per month.

Rates for a year’s advertising (11 editions April-March): £26.00, £50.00 & £65.00.

As from April 2017 advertising rates will increase as follows:

Single-size advertisements (approximately 4cm x 9cm) are £2:80 per month.

Double-size (4cm x 18cm or 8cm x 9cm approx) are £5.40 per month.

Treble-size (12cm x 9cm) are £7.00 per month.

Rates for a year’s advertising (11 editions April-March): £28.00, £54.00 & £70.00.

Advertisements on text pages have dimensions approximate to the above.

We accept advertisements at any time of the month or year. Contact Mrs Gilda Deterding, the Editor on 01279 842165.

Footpath 18 Modification Order
22 September 2015

Changes to Footpath 18 as proposed by Modification Order 2011 were discussed recently at a Public Inquiry. A number of the original objectors were able to give evidence and make their case. The hearing was adjourned and the final decision was reserved pending the Inspectors report.

Widford Village Hall (Hertfordshire) further information
01 January 2015

Further information regarding the village hall